Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shhhh Fup

So I am sitting in the bar that El Capitan has DJ-ed at for a year and the music is part his. This song "My Shit's Fucked Up" is playing and I am probably one of three people in here that know this is a Parental Advisory song. Foreign in a foreign land.


Phreelosophy said...

Hey... was that a Heinlein allusion?!? If so, beware it may just evoke the strangeness of his works... oh wait, you got his shit beat... carry on. Tell El Capitan hola for me!

iurodivii said...

Goodness, as if I could evoke such strangeness with a few words!!! It usually takes me at least a mindfold and a camera. Or bright bandannas and a new locale. Oh wait...